Aug 27Liked by Francine, KD, & Nadine Safron

Sent you one you can fill out the form & he will send it to you

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Aug 27Liked by Francine, KD, & Nadine Safron

Booklet return to Order returning to order out of this madness

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I thought that might have been it... I googled it.

Return to Order: From A Frenzied Economy to An Organic Christian Society – Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go” is authored by John Horvat II. The book addresses the current economic and moral crises facing society, proposing a return to traditional values and institutions that Horvat believes are essential for restoring balance and order in both the economy and community life.

I bet Francine has read it - she has an amazing additional Substack coming out if we (America and the world survive this) -- she would have launch it back in COVID as a standalone project but the evil had begun... and she had to go more heavily into other areas.

It's her true passion... the Substack is called Build a Better World... she wrote a book on it years ago, but held of releasing it because of COVID and where she saw the world headed.

Another Amen 🙏 - KD

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Aug 27Liked by Francine, KD, & Nadine Safron

Great reading material how to return To God free market economics

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Daniel, thank you for your thoughts! Could you clarify what you meant by 'Great reading material how to return to God free market economics'? I'm curious to hear more about it. 😊 - KD

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Aug 27Liked by Francine, KD, & Nadine Safron


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Aug 27Liked by Francine, KD, & Nadine Safron

Unite Return To Order 🙏🙏🙏

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Amen - KD

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Another great read since 1954

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Nano second Rods of God space platforms drop tungsten steel rods that liquidate everything like the beruit fiasco

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It's clear that there are many myths and exaggerated claims surrounding space-based weaponry like the so-called "Rods from God" and DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons). While I can't delve into specifics due to the sensitive nature of the information, I can tell you that the realities of weaponry in space are far more complex than the theories being tossed around. For one, any assets in geostationary orbit (GSO) or other orbital paths are not invincible. There are countermeasures and strategies in place that can render such systems ineffective or entirely neutralize them. The real battlefield in space isn't just about who can deploy the most destructive force, but who can maintain control and deny the adversary the ability to use their assets—be they kinetic weapons or DEWs.

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They claim a shortage of everything to keep our enemies thinking they may have an advantage 😆

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Moreover, a significant percentage of our equipment is in disrepair as well. This isn’t just a perception—it’s a fact being acknowledged across multiple fronts, as well as intel from family and other who serve.- KD

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Add to that, troop shortages and worse.

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A significant percentage of our equipment is in disrepair as well.

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I respectfully have to disagree. We have a large family, and with over two dozen family members stationed around the globe, the reality we’re seeing firsthand is that we are indeed critically low on munitions. This is not just a perception—it’s a fact being acknowledged across multiple fronts.

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Munitions are in 192 countries

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I respectfully have to disagree. We have a large family, and with over two dozen family members stationed around the globe, the reality we’re seeing firsthand is that we are indeed critically low on munitions. This is not just a perception—it’s a fact being acknowledged across multiple fronts.

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Add to that, troop shortages and worse.

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A significant percentage of our equipment is in disrepair as well.

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