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You speak Hungarian (intelligencia)? I’m familiar with "intelligentsia" in English. Thank you so much for your kind words! 😊 I hope I'm not being presumptuous, but if you were referring to me, I’m truly thrilled! 😅 - Nadine

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Thank you, Daniel. I wasn’t sure if your message was directed at me, Nadine, or someone else. If it was, you’re welcome, and if it was for Francine or KD, I’ll pass along your thanks. KD is currently en route to South America to address some disturbing intel developments as we approach 11/24. Meanwhile, Francine is in the Middle East, monitoring some concerning situations before heading back to Asia, where other critical issues are unfolding. We’re all keeping a close eye on these developments.

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I do not know how we can sustain through this insanity- 70,000 new jihad.

It’s mind-numbing.

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I know, Kim. It's grim, but the 70,000 jihadists are just a drop in the ocean compared to three far larger and more dangerous invading armies already here. One of them? Hezbollah. My sister Francine tracked their numbers in America—far beyond what anyone knows. For seven years, from age 19 to 26, she’s been relentlessly monitoring the movements of Hezbollah, the CCP’s operatives (spy networks), the PLA, and other groups. Following in our Mum’s and Dad’s footsteps, she’s not just an investigator—she’s an elite field operative. Francine even traveled to Brazil, Venezuela, Asia, and the Middle East hotspots to gather intel no one else has. Her extensive bio on X was wiped after her fast-growing account with millions of views was shut down for exposing the truth. She hit the target dead-on, and it terrified both the CCP and the deep state.

She still has a small public bio here: https://rumble.com/user/AIFrannie/about

For more on the Hezbollah threat, check out my articles:



- Nadine Safron

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Terrorists have saturated this country because of this admin.

They censored your sister too then. Doesn’t surprise me either. Smh. When another country steals our voices, that’s an act of war but when our government does it, it’s just a day at the office. I never believed in all my 50+ years that I would “fear” my own government/country more than any other country’s government. A sad realization.

I’m still on the fence as far as this goes though: do we fight to the death or do we placate & conform- until we can assemble & re-assess the situation? I know it sounds extreme, but we’re in an extreme world now. 🤷🏻‍♀️

These aren’t true democrats we’re up against.

For so long, unhinged liberals have opened portals to a dark and sinister dimension with their incessant “cult”members rhetoric. So when you see these people acting like they’re possessed- they are. There’s so much dark energy, it’s exhausting to me. It’s critical that people start repenting. It’s a fact, we’re up against evil.

Surround yourself with the light & The Word, cover yourself in His blood. We’ll get through it somehow.

Thanks a million for all the info you share. I learn so well now! I love it. I feel like I’m sponge, absorbing it all. I hope I am, at least.


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Kim, you're absolutely right—this administration has let terrorists flood our country, and it’s terrifying to see how deep the corruption goes. They did censor my sister, and that tells you everything. When foreign powers silence us, it’s war. But when our own government does it, it’s like you said—just another day at the office. We never thought we’d fear our own government more than any foreign enemy, but here we are. It’s a sad, painful truth (and buried inside that truth is the fact the CCP is calling all the shots, even using elites worldwide as their puppets).

As for fighting or placating—honestly, we’re in uncharted waters, and the sole solution we have to give Trump the support he needs is outlined in Death By A Thousand Cuts Part 2. We are up against pure evil, facing challenges that voting and courts alone cannot fix—there is but one solution provided by our Constitution, but Americans are too asleep and refuse to demand it. There’s no easy answer, but one thing’s for sure: we cannot afford to conform to this darkness. You are also correcy on the point that these aren’t the true democrats (like my parents once voted for during the Kennedy era); they’ve opened a Pandora’s box of evil. We’re not just fighting political battles anymore, it’s spiritual warfare now as you've indicated.

I’m so grateful for your support and kind words. Stay safe and keep the faith, Kim. 🙏

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The numbers they claim well just like AFGANISTAN Tunisia Egypt General wess CLARK 7 countries YouTube 10 minute information foreign policy hijacked

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Keep Digging we're all in the same boat 🚢

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The entire world is indeed under attack by the same "powers" that be, if that’s what you’re referring to. I understand the expression "we're all in the same boat," but the context isn’t entirely clear to me. So, I’m hedging my reply based on what I think you might be getting at. 😉😊

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Hi Daniel, you mentioned Intelligencer? 😊 I’m familiar with the left-leaning publication by that name, or were you calling me an intelligencer (which I assume) 😄 or referencing something else? Your message was a bit short, so I just wanted to clarify. No one’s ever called me that before, but I guess so... I'm 21 and working on a double PhD, so I still have a fair bit of learning to do from all my parents' work and my three sisters, plus the rest of our family in law enforcement, legal, national security, and related areas. - Nadine

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I see in your Substack Notes you read the the Intelligencer... for those not familiar with the publication: New York Magazine's Intelligencer is generally considered left-leaning. It often features articles with progressive perspectives on politics, culture, and current events. The publication is known for its in-depth reporting and analysis, which tends to align with liberal viewpoints. - Nadine

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Mysqiif.com secure website

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They turned on each other as Gideon' did what he was instructed to do God's not Dead same procedure different circumstances

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BTW, if by "they" you mean this as a metaphor for the external enemies—possibly those infiltrating or manipulating America—who are now self-destructing or turning against one another due to the actions of a "Gideon-like" figure or divine intervention, I would refer you to the Cane Toad analogy in Death By A Thousand Cuts Pt 1 and America's Final Stand: An Urgent Call to Defend Our Nation Against CCP Invasion - Voting Alone Won’t Save America or Trump – Learn the Only Solution to Protect Our Future.

The CCP does, in fact, have plans to eventually eliminate the non-CCP invading forces (i.e., all other invaders [the Cane Toads]) after they’ve done what they were brought to the U.S. to do. - Nadine

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They're not failures they're traps

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Daniel, I have to respectfully disagree. If by "they're traps" you mean that we knowingly allowed this devastation for some greater purpose, I can't see it that way. Any so-called trap that leads to the deaths of so many Americans is an unimaginable failure. The loss of life we’re already experiencing surpasses that of World War I and II combined. And it's not just fentanyl deaths—it’s the overwhelming number of rapes, murders, and the ripple effects tearing families apart. The devastation is beyond anything we can put into words. - Nadine

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Daniel, I appreciate your input, but your various threads, often incomplete, make it difficult to fully grasp the direction of your points. Without a detailed statement in one 'comment' bubble, I can't reply properly, but I did my best with a summation. I would also add: The details in Death by a Thousand Cuts Part 2 outline with almost certainty what will play out if red-state governors do not act. - Nadine

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Climate viewer com search maps FEMA unacompanied children see how many pop up

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They all have names addresses whereabouts we counter with taskforces across the country just in case

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The best I can do is hedge a guess as to "who" you are referencing, given that your various threads—seemingly incomplete statements—make it difficult to follow exactly where you're going.

From your comments, are you referring to "they" as the U.S. government or to outside forces or groups that are not American? You mentioned infiltration "through rank & file funded by us inadvertently through NGOs and lobbyists," which suggests that these external groups are using American systems against the country. If so, then yes, you're correct—the CCP is indeed doing so.

Again, I’m hedging a guess that you're implying America is not in control but is rather being manipulated or infiltrated by external entities, possibly tied to international organizations or foreign actors. If that's the case, you're correct in that assessment as well.

However, if you are implying in any way that the U.S. government is in control of the invasion, I wholeheartedly disagree. Your reference to "they" seems to point to external enemies who have already infiltrated American ranks, making it a situation where foreign or hidden powers are exerting influence over the country. And again, if that's what you’re indicating, you're spot on. - Nadine

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Smithmundtact 2012 effective since 2013 NDAA DARPA AI they work both sides of every angle possible to create confusion hysteria paranoia it works very effectively Space force runs all SATALITE communications above they have rods of God that liquidate anything on this planet they cannot invade our shores they're infiltration through rank & file funded by us inadvertently through Ngos lobbyists

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Summation reply to the above thread: Daniel, I appreciate your feedback. The level of infiltration and manipulation is indeed far beyond what most can see or even comprehend. The situation is much more intricate than it appears, and well beyond the scope of what Francine's team would allow me to discuss here.

Francine has been rightfully cautious about what can be shared, and for good reason. The reality of our unpreparedness, coupled with the fact that the U.S. government isn’t the one calling the shots as most would assume, only underscores the urgent need for action and awareness. This conversation must continue, especially with the governors of red states. - Nadine

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All AI now

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I find your comments a bit challenging to decipher—perhaps intentionally so. No offense intended by that. Based on my interpretation, here’s how I’d like to respond:

Thanks for the encouragement, Daniel! 🚢 It’s a complex situation, and understanding the broader context is essential. I appreciate your insights!

Interesting point about AI! It’s certainly shaping our discussions and understanding of complex issues. Given its use in neuro-cognitive warfare, especially by the CCP, it's critical to consider how we can better defend against these tactics. We are at the precipice, and the US is on the brink of falling if Americans don’t start defending against the silent WW3 being waged by the CCP. IMHO (but many experts agree).- Naddy (LOL, I forgot to sign, so as not to be confused by replies from KD and Ava who occasionally reply, and once in a rare while, Francine when she's not in the field these days)

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They're outnumbered in every aspect defeated wholeheartedly within they're own rank & file members as Gideon would say you never had a chance 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you for your insight, Daniel. While I’m familiar with the biblical reference to Gideon, I wasn’t entirely sure who you meant by 'they're'—so I wanted to be cautious in my response. - Nadine

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