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If I Were President Trump

By Nadine Safron

In the spirit of Paul Harvey’s iconic "If I Were the Devil," and in honor of my father's profound admiration for Harvey’s work, we present our own reflection: "If I Were President Trump." This tribute is not merely a gesture of respect for one of America's greatest leaders but also a crucial commentary on the state of our nation.

President Trump has been unequivocal: “We must win in 2024. If we don’t win in 2024, we will not have a country.” His later addresses and interviews have only amplified this urgency: “We must win in 2024, or we won’t have a country or have elections ever again.” This stark warning is not to be taken lightly.

As Francine, my sister and an unparalleled expert in AIWG and unrestricted warfare, asserts, America faces grave peril if we do not act decisively. Whether Trump secures a victory or not, our nation teeters on the brink of disaster without a highly specialized form of red state-led civil defense training and advanced special preparations (CDTAASP). We are on the precipice of turmoil so profound that it demands immediate and concerted action from every American.

The message is clear: Demand the creation of the largest civil defense coalition on Earth—via CDTAASP. This is not a mere recommendation; it is a necessity for survival. Watch the accompanying video and read “Death By A Thousand Cuts” for an unvarnished look at the crisis facing us. Your involvement and advocacy are not just requested; they are imperative.

In our forthcoming article, we will unveil insights held by figures like Warren Buffet and other elites—knowledge that remains hidden from the general public. Ensure you are not among those left uninformed. They make decisions, both investment-wise and personally, because they understand what may be just over the horizon, and it’s a lot more than just election season.

Read Parts 1 and 2 of “Death By A Thousand Cuts” to understand the full scope of what is at stake. Francine’s expertise in the field is unmatched, and her insights are critical for grasping the gravity of the situation. Her knowledge is not just theoretical; it is grounded in real-world experience and analysis.

👉 Read 'Death By A Thousand Cuts Part 1'

👉 Read 'Death By A Thousand Cuts Part 2 (I-XII)'

If there is one message to take from this, it is this: Watch the video, read “Death By A Thousand Cuts Part 2,” and ACT. Demand CDTAASP and the establishment of a nationally coordinated civil defense coalition to defend Trump, your property, America, and its citizens from the tyranny that lay ahead. Urge everyone you know to take the specific actions outlined at the end of both articles. Sheriff Jones and other experts are clear: this is no mere alarmism. Millions of American lives are at risk if we fail to prepare.

The odds are starkly laid out in our articles, backed by the expertise of law enforcement and national security professionals. The time for action is now. Your survival—and the survival of our nation—depends on it.


For a broader view of the issues shaping our world, visit our sister channel. At Sunrise to Sunset, we offer a comprehensive look at US politics, entertainment, lifestyle, travel, sports, tech, AI, global events, and much more. We aim to navigate the complexities of today's information landscape, providing insights and context on the most pressing matters.

This endeavor is deeply personal for us. Most articles are crafted by me, Nadine, with support from my sister KD and my cousin Ava. Occasionally, Francine will contribute, though she is currently in the field, gathering critical intel on America's threats. Her dedication is unwavering, and she will remain in the field until at least after Trump’s hoped-for re-election.

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