Election Theft Exposed: The Georgia Blueprint for National Fraud—The Unstoppable Plan to Block Trump

"How the Georgia Playbook Unveils the National Election Fraud Scheme—Trump’s Fight Against the Tide"

This hard-hitting video, "Election Theft Exposed: The Georgia Blueprint for National Fraud—The Unstoppable Plan to Block Trump," lays bare the systematic manipulation and outright fraud that has plagued Georgia’s elections. It’s more than just a state issue; it's the blueprint for a national strategy to undermine the very fabric of our democracy.

The video showcases shocking evidence of criminal patterns in Georgia over the past four years—patterns that have been replicated nationwide. As the video unpacks these schemes, it becomes painfully clear that unless drastic measures are taken, Trump and the American people stand no chance against the overwhelming tide of corruption. The focus is on Georgia, but make no mistake—this is happening everywhere. Learn the sole solution—see the VERY bottom of this article (bottom of the page) to understand more and take action. It’s the only remaining path to stop the fraud already in place, and no other approach can halt it!

For a deeper dive into these crimes, don’t miss the comprehensive analysis in our Day 86 article (to be published before noon 8/11/24). Discover the shocking details, the key players, and the urgent steps needed to defend our nation’s future.

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Thanks as always… don’t do what the CCP has programmed Americans to do… “hope and believe that someone besides you will save the day”. Be part of the solution, or America ends. I cringe at those words, come election day you’ll see how right I was! This is NOT like any other election in history.

BE PART OF THE SOLUTION RIGHT NOW AND MAKE SURE RED STATE GOVERNORS GET THIS MESSAGE. Better yet, make sure they get the full story, and I promise only a few of them have a clue!

#ElectionFraud - must be stopped!

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  • #BradRaffensperger

  • #BrianKemp

  • #GeorgiaBlueprint

  • #PoliticalCorruption

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  • #ElectionIntegrity

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  • #DefendDemocracy